Tuesday, 29 November 2011

How to increase battery life on the Galaxy fit

How to increase battery life on the Galaxy fit
While the Galaxy fit has an excellent battery life for a 4' Android device here a few tips to help increase your uptime without charging.

  • Turn off the automatic brightness and set it to the lowest setting. The display is the biggest power user.
  • Select only 2G if your not using 3G  (network settings)
  • Turn off bluetooth and wifi when not in use
  • Turn off automatic background syncing
  • Don't use live wallpapers
  • Avoid widgets that use live updates
  • Make sure you close apps properly by going through the menu, hitting home doesnt close apps
  • You can try apps like startup auditor and autokiller to kill of running background applications.
  • If you really wanna go crazy use a solid black wallpaper, it wont use any battery at all
  • Some Task Managers seem to work against battery saving and consume more battery doing so ending tasks at regular intervals. Monitor these applications to see if they improve or decrease battery life.
  • Poor signal strength decreases battery life - Try not to leave you phone in a bag or place that might inhibit the signal strength. With low signal strenght the Galaxy fit will consume a larger amount of power to maintain connection with the nearest cell tower or searching for another.